
Engraving - FAQs

  1. I made a mistake in the engraving

    If you have discovered a mistake in the specified engraving, we recommend contacting us by phone as soon as possible. Please also send an email with the correct engraving text. If these changes are communicated in time and the pen has not been engraved yet, we can still make the necessary adjustments. However, it is important to note that once the pen has been engraved, unfortunately, no further modifications can be made. We strive to process your order as accurately as possible and appreciate your understanding in this matter. Please get in touch with us so that we can assist you to the best of our ability in resolving this issue.

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  2. Why can't I enter text for engraving?

    If you don't see an option to enter engraving text, it may not be possible to engrave a pen in certain cases due to the material or specific structure of the pen. For this reason, we do not offer the option to engrave pens for which this is technically not possible. However, in all other cases, engraving is always possible, and we provide this service for free! We are, however, available to assist you in finding an alternative pen that can be engraved.

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  3. I want to engrave a different symbol

    If you would like to engrave a different specific symbol, we kindly request you to send us an email with the desired symbol. Our engraving specialist will then assess whether it is possible to engrave this symbol on the pen you have chosen. It is important to note that we cannot engrave special characters from languages such as Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and other similar languages. If you have any doubts about the possibilities, feel free to contact us. We are happy to assist you in personalizing your pen in a way that meets your preferences.

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  4. The engraving is discolored.

    The discoloration of the engraving can have various causes, such as exposure to moisture, chemicals, or friction. To protect the engraving and prevent discoloration, we recommend cleaning the product regularly with a soft cloth and mild cleaning agents. Avoid the use of harsh chemicals.

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  5. What does engraving line 1 and engraving line 2 mean?

    In the engraving of our pens, two lines are engraved above each other. Engraving Line 1 refers to the top line, while engraving Line 2 pertains to the bottom line. Both lines are engraved centered, meaning the text is placed in the middle of the available space on the pen.

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  6. Can I have my logo engraved and what are the extra costs?

    In addition to buying pens and fountain pens at Penshop, it is possible to have your logo engraved on a pen. The setup costs for engraving a logo are +/- £32. The engraving costs per piece are £ 1. The logo must be assessed for technical feasibility in advance. For additional questions, please contact our customer service via the e-mail address info@unitedpenshop.co.uk.

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  7. I would like to order several pens. Can I send in a separate list of names?

    Of course, it is possible to order more than one pen with a separate list of names via Penshop. When ordering via the webshop, please fill in the two engraving lines "PER E-MAIL". Please note: do not put any other text than PER E-MAIL, or this text will be engraved on the pens. Then send your order number and the name list to be engraved by e-mail to info@unitedpenshop.co.uk.

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  8. What color is the engraving?

    The color of the engraving depends on each individual pen and may therefore vary. The specific color of the engraving is mentioned in the product specifications. Generally, you can assume that a pen with silver tones will have a silver-colored engraving, while a pen with gold tones will have a gold engraving. A steel pen will have a dark engraving.

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